Arrowsmith Naturalists

About Arrowsmith Naturalists
The Arrowsmith Naturalists was founded in 1970 to know, enjoy, and preserve nature. We are affiliated with B.C. Nature and Nature Canada. Our members are a knowledgeable, committed, and welcoming group who enjoy monthly meetings, field trips, and stewardship activities.
Arrowsmith Naturalists Meetings
Our meetings bring members up-to-date on activities and provide an opportunity to share information. A variety of topics are presented through our meeting program speakers, highly knowledgeable their fields, and topics range from birds to marine life and from botany to environmental issues. Meetings are held from September to June, on the fourth Thursday of each month. Check our Meetings page for the next one.
Check it out: Herringfest 2025 is almost here
Early booking tickets available for boat tours.
Issues that may need your consideration or immediate attention!
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