Let’s Explore
Outing Information:
For outings, please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Carpool if possible. An email detailing meeting place and time will be sent out prior to the outing. Keep in mind, that the locations are subjective to weather conditions and having trip leaders. If the weather is bad, members check your email. Most trips start at 9:30.
When carpooling, it is Arrowsmith Naturalists recommendation that at the end of your outing a donation of $5 be given to the driver of the vehicle.
Please Note: – Guests are very welcome. A Guest Waiver and Day Membership forms are available at time of outing or on the Membership page. These forms must be read carefully, completed and signed with an accompanying $1.00 fee before participating in an outing.

Leaders are needed for several outings. Great way to get to know your fellow naturalists and learn more about the trip. If you are interested: arrowsmithnaturalists@gmail.com

Arrowsmith Naturalists

Mailing Address
Parksville, B.C.
V9P 2H4