
Bird Watching in and around Oceanside
Bird walks take place in various parts of the Oceanside twice a week. Check the following blog to ascertain the location, date and time of the next walk. Everyone is welcome. No experience necessary.
The Backyard Wildbird and Nature Store Blog

Birding Resources
A great bird watching resource is the “Seasonal Bird Checklist for the Parksville-Qualicum Beach Area” published by the Arrowsmith Naturalists. This checklist is only available in hard copy. Contact or drop by the Parksville Visitor Centre or the Backyard Wildbird & Nature Store (6314 Metral Drive, Nanaimo) for availability. Compiled by Sandra Gray and Al Kirkley.

Ebird (free app and online)
Identify birds you see and hear
Sibley Birds v2 app This app is not free. It is based on the Sibley Guide to Birds includes all of the content in the printed guide as well as over 2800 audio recordings, additional text, complete seasonal status data for every species in every state and province, hundreds of searchable criteria, and much more.
Other Birding Resources
British Columbia Breeding Bird Atlas –
British Columbia Field Ornithologists –
British Columbia Rare Bird Alert –