BC Nature AGM 2024

BC Nature Conference and AGM will take place on May 9th – May 12th 2024


AGM Brochure

Registration is closed




Here are some great places to eat covering 55 km. of our area.

Places to Eat in the Oceanside Area



For those of you wishing to get a head start here are some useful links to plan your stay:

 “Places to stay”


  Reservation Referral System

Additional Field Trip: ​

Bats and Nocturnal Wildlife

Meet at Qualicum Beach Civic Centre, 747 Jones Street, Qualicum Beach, BC 
Friday, May 10, 2024, 7- 9:30pm
Sign-up sheets will be at registration  May 9 & 10
7pm – 8pm  Appreciating Bats
Interactive presentation by Paula Rodriguez de la Vega, Provincial coordinator, BC Community Bat Program.  Why are bats so amazing?  They fly like birds, but they are so much more mysterious. Do they have hollow bones?  Can they sing?  Do they see like owls? Can they hawk like flycatchers? Come learn more about these unique mammals of the night and how you can help them.
8:15pm – 9:30pm. Sunset Bat and Wildlife Walk 
Join Linda Brooymans, Mid-island coordinator, BC Community Bat Program.
Bats start to come out around sunset (8:28pm).  Join Linda and local Bat Ambassadors for a walk around St. Andrews Waterfront Park to listen for and watch for bats.  Historically, the lodge used to have a bat colony in the attic.  Currently, there are several bat boxes that may be occupied, where we can watch bats as they exit and learn how to do a bat count.  We’ll also be watching for nocturnal wildlife.  Come stay up late with us!  Morning birding is still possible after a cup of coffee.
Potential locations:
Other potential sites, if bats are not active at St. Andrews yet.  Little Qualicum River.